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FAQs - Unit Trusts

View Frequently Asked Questions relating to Unit Trusts

  • Unit Trusts
1. What is a Unit Trust Fund?

An investment product that allows many different investors to pool their money together, generating a large pool of funds managed by professional managers. Unit trusts compound daily meaning that your investment earns interest daily.

The fact that this saving product pools funds from several individual and corporate investors gives the Fund greater bargaining power to obtain favorable yields when investing.

The Fund’s objective is to maximize returns by investing the pooled funds in selected asset classes based on its investment objectives.

2. Does a Unit Trust Guarantee a Rate of Return on my Investment?

No, the rate of Return of the Fund depends on the trends in the investment environment and financial markets.

However, Unit Trusts offer an opportunity for one’s investment to change in line with current investment environment i.e. as interest rates rise/fall, an investor in collective investment schemes will also have their returns rising since they have not locked in a fixed interest rate as is the case with fixed deposits and Government securities.

3. What are the benefits of investing in Unit Trusts?
  1. - Flexibility: No fixed investment period. Clients can switch from one fund to another, regularly make a top up on their investment and redeem their investment at any time without incurring any penalties (forfeit of interest) that occurs for Fixed deposits.
  2. Professional Management: Investors access a professional fund manager. Fund Managers have more knowledge and skills to carry out research and allocate investors’ funds to investments that yield high returns and minimize risks.
  3. Secure: Collective Investment Schemes are well structured and regulated by the Capital Markets Authority which ensures investor protection ensuring safety of your investments.
  4. Affordable: One can invest small amounts which makes it possible for more people to access assets they would normally not be able to invest in.
4. What Unit Trust Funds does SBGS offer?
  1. SBGS Money Market Fund: Suitable for conservative investors with a short-term savings goal who seek a competitive yield. Targeting investors with short term goals, are trying a new thing, may need to access their money in under a year to meet a particular need.
  2. SBGS Balanced Fund: Suitable for investors with long term investment horizon. Targeting investors who are saving for a long-term goal (more than 3 years).
  3. SBGS Bond Fund: Suitable for moderately conservative investors who have a medium to long term investment horizon but seek interest income. Targeting investors who are saving for a period that is not short neither too long (at least 2 years)
5. How do I start investing in SBGS offered Unit Trusts?

You will be required to fill in a Sign up form with your KYC details. You can also sign up for SBGS Unit Trust Funds by logging onto the portal (link available on the website) and upload a copy of your passport size photograph, your signature and your National ID (for Ugandans)/Passport for Foreigners.

You will receive a SMS/Email confirming that your SBGS Unit Trust Account has been opened.

You can deposit the money for investment on the respective Fund client accounts as provided on the website. You will receive confirmation of receipt of the money you have deposited for investments.

6. How do I make additional subscriptions?

Additional subscriptions can be initiated by either making a direct transfer to the bank account of the Unit Trust fund you would like to top up while ensuring to quote your name as your narration. If the payment is made before 12 noon on a working day with your name as a part of your narration, you will be credited at the end of that day. However, if the payment is made after 12 noon or on a weekend the money for investment will be applied into your SBGS Unit Trust account at the end of the next working day.

7. What is the minimum initial amount that can be invested?

The minimum initial amount that can be invested is Ugx 100,000 while the minimum subsequent/additional amount is Ugx 50,000.

8. Can I invest for my children, with my partner and my investment club?

Yes, it is possible to invest for minors, jointly with your partner and groups.

9. How do I monitor my investment?

The daily prices will be sent to your email address. You can also use the portal/SBG Invest app to monitor the performance of your investment. A monthly statement will also be sent to your email address.

10. Do I have control over what the Unit Trust Invests in?

No, the Fund Manager, SBG Securities Uganda Ltd makes all the investment decisions based on guidelines set out in the Fund’s Trust Deed. However, the Fund holds an annual general meeting where you are provided with more information on what guided the Fund manager’s investment decisions.

11. How do I redeem my investment?

You will be required to complete a Redemption Form and submit to SBG Securities. You can also initiate a redemption of funds via the invest or SBG Invest App. Redemptions will be processed with 24-48 hours.

12. Are there any penalties for withdrawing my funds from the Unit Trust?

No, there are no penalties incurred in redeeming your funds from the Unit Trust.

13. What are the benefits of investing in SBGS Umbrella Unit Trust Fund?
  1. Competitive Returns: We generate superior returns on your investments given our understanding and experience in the investment markets that ensures you achieve your investment goals.
  2. Convenient Investing: Our platforms provide a customized experience for your investment journey by enabling you to track, make top ups and access your investments.
  3. Professional Investment Services: We have a rich depth of expertise in the investment industry immersed over the years which guides asset allocation and ensures superior returns on your investments.
  4. Research Capabilities: Our strong research capabilities ensure that your investments are dynamically tilted to maximize returns. We also help you breakdown the investment jargon, providing you with an understanding of the investment environment.